Bedoya cone for concrete slump tests: an ecological and ergonomic contribution from the economy materials
This paper shows the modification of the cone of Abrams. A new size of the device was obtained, with which a saving of 68 % was achieved in terms of the material. A contribution to the aspect of occupational health was found, since, from the ergonomic point of view, the test can be developed at a more comfortable and safe height level for the person. The equivalence between the ranges of the Abrams cone and the modified cone was found. The tests carried out allow concluding that it is possible to reduce, significantly, the consumption of materials for the settlement test without deterioration of the quality of the result, improving the ergonomics condition for laboratory workers, specifically for women who, due to occupational health regulations, have a greater restriction of masses to lift or load. The modified cone of Bedoya is registered in Colombia under patent of invention number NC2016/0001514.
Nombre de la convocatoria:Convocatoria de Apoyo para Corrección de Estilo de Artículos de Investigación en Inglés de la Facultad de Arquitectura 2020-2021
Modalidad:Modalidad Única: Publicación de artículos científicos