We find the non-local shot noise (S) in nanoscopic 2-Terminal junctions NS considering different
symmetries of the superconductor pair potential. We determine that the contributions to the cross
shot noise are due to Crossed Andreev Reflections (CAR), Elastic Cotunneling (EC), Quasiparticles
transmission (Q) and Andreev Reflections (AR). We analyze two cases; the first one when the two
terminals are connected to the same voltage (symmetric) and the other one when they are connected
to a voltage difference V (asymmetric). The method is applied to superconductors with symmetries
s, dx2
¿y2 , dxy and s++(+¿).
We find that in the tunneling limit CAR contribute positively to the shot noise cross correlation
whereas Q, AR and EC contributions are negative. Depending on the symmetry, the CAR could be
the dominant process in a high efficiency of the device, where the efficiency at the tunneling limit
is defined as the ratio of the cross shot noise due to CAR and the complete cross shot noise.
We calculate the cross Fano factor, where Positive values in the Fano factor mean positive cross
correlations dominance, whereas negative values mean negative cross correlations dominance. For
symmetric voltages, in the tunneling limit, the contributions to the cross Fano factor and the
efficiency are the same, so the Fano factor would be a good way to test the efficiency of a Cooper
pair splitter device.
For the asymmetric case, at the tunneling limit and low voltages, CAR and EC compete and the
CAR dominance depends on the superconductor symmetry. By the other side, for the symmetric
case, the EC contributions are zero therefore CAR are the dominant processes in the tunneling limit.
For voltages higher than the gap the contributions due to Q and AR make that the cross shot noise
becomes negative.
These properties would allow |