Valorization of Urban Used Cooking Oils by transformation into value added oleochemicals. Study Case for Bogota, Colombia
Used cooking oils (UCOs) mismanagement is a major issue in Colombia, and specifically in its capitol city (Bogota). Generally, UCOs are directly discharged into siphons and sewage systems, ending up in surface or underground waters. Besides the negative environmental impacts, the released greases clog sewage causing flooding during rainy seasons, bad odors, vectors proliferation, public health issues, and infrastructure damage. Despite the recent efforts to regulate UCOs management, strategies to foster reuse and valorization are required. Currently a small fraction of generated UCOs is collected for soaps industry or exported for biodiesel production. However, these have low added value, are profitable in large volumes, and require incentives for a sustainable industrial implementation. In this direction, as a UCOs valorization alternative within a circular economy model, to stimulate their correct management reducing their negative effects, to create an economic opportunity for new business, and to generate sustainable products for the industry; the aim of this project is to do a feasibility assessment of the recollection, refining, and transformation of UCOs into target high value added chemicals. First the UCOs supply chain in Bogotá will be characterized and sized. Subsequently, a physicochemical characterization of the available UCOs will be accomplished to identify potential oleochemical uses. Then a refining process will be developed to obtain a suitable oleochemical feedstock, and a set of high value added derivatives will be identified. Later, synthesis of at least two targeted derivatives will be accomplished at the lab and bench scales. Finally, gathered data will be used to do a feasibility assessment in terms of sustainability for the developed valorization alternatives. This project will be carried out by researchers from National University of Colombia, in collaboration of TEAM FOODS as local industrial partner, and with the support of the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence, at the University of York.
Nombre de la convocatoria:Convocatoria externa
Modalidad:Convocatoria externa