Alqassim S. S.; Urquiza M.; Borgnia E.; Nagib M.; Amzel L. M.; Bianchet M. A.:
Modulation of MICAL Monooxygenase Activity by its Calponin Homology Domain: Structural and Mechanistic Insights. Scientific Reports ¿ Nature. Accepted for publication
Urquiza M.; Melo-Cardenas J.; Aguillon R.; Kipps T.; Castro JE.:
Intratumoral Injection of Ad-ISF35 (Chimeric CD154) Breaks Tolerance and Induces Lymphoma Tumor Regression. Hum Gene Ther. 2015. 26(1):14-25.
Castro J. E.; Melo-Cardenas J.; Urquiza M.; Barajas-Gamboa J. S.; Pakbaz R. S.; Kipps T. J.:
Gene immunotherapy of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a Phase I study of intranodally injected adenovirus expressing a chimeric CD154 molecule. Cancer Res. 2012. 72(12): 2937-2948.
Urquiza M.; Melo-Cardenas J.; Kipps T. J.; Castro J. E.:
Intratumoral delivery of CD154 homolog (Ad-ISF35) induces tumor regression: analysis of vector biodistribution, persistence and gene expression. Cancer Gene Ther. 2012 May;19(5):336-44. doi: 10.1038/cgt.2012.6.
Urquiza M.; Guevara T.; Rodriguez C.; Melo-Cardenas J.; Vanegas M.; Patarroyo ME.:
Decreasing the configurational entropy and the hydrophobicity of EBV-derived peptide 11389 increased its antigenicity, immunogenicity and its ability of inducing IL-6. Amino Acids. 2011. 42(6): 2165-2175.
Urquiza M.; Melo-Cardenas J.; Guevara T.; Echeverria I.; Rodriguez IC.; Vanegas M.; Amzel M.; Patarroyo ME.:
Alpha- Helix peptides designed from EBV-gH protein display higher antigenicity and induction of monocyte apoptosis than the native peptide. Amino Acids. 2010. 39(5): 1507-1519.
Leon S.; Sanchez R.; Patarroyo MA.; Camargo M.; Mejia A.; Urquiza M.; and Patarroyo ME.:
Prevalence of HPV-DNA and anti-HPV antibodies in women from Girardot, Colombia. Sex Transm Dis, May 2009; 36(5): 290-6.
SC Soto-De Leon.; M Camargo.; R Sanchez.; S Leon.; M Urquiza.; J Acosta.; D Monsalve.; LE Rodriguez.; ME Patarroyo.; and MA Patarroyo.:
Prevalence of infection with high-risk human papillomavirus in women in Colombia. Clin Microbiol Infect, Jan 2009; 15(1): 100-2.
Urquiza M.; Sánchez R.; Amaya J.; León S.; Acosta J.; Patarroyo M A..; Camargo M.; and Patarroyo M E.:
Specificity of L1 Peptides versus Virus-Like Particles for Detection of Human Papillomavirus-Positive Cervical Lesions in Females Attending Engativa Hospital, Bogota, Colombia. J. Clin. Microbiol., Nov 2008; 46: 3714 - 3720.
Urquiza M.; Guevara T.; Sanchez R.; Vanegas M.; and Patarroyo ME.:
A non-variable L1-peptide displays high sensitivity and specificity for detecting women having human papillomavirus-associated cervical lesions. Peptides.; Jun 2008; 29(6): 957-62.
Garcia J.; Puentes A.; Rodriguez L.; Ocampo M.; Curtidor H.; Vera R.; Lopez R.; Valbuena J.; Cortes J.; Vanegas M.; Barrero C.; Patarroyo MA.; Urquiza M.; Patarroyo ME.:
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv2536 protein implicated in specific binding to human cell lines. Protein Sci. 2005 Sep;14(9):2236-45.
Urquiza M.; Lopez R.; Patino H.; Rosas JE.; Patarroyo ME.:
Identification of three gp350/220 regions involved in Epstein-Barr virus invasion of host cells. J Bio Chem. 2005; 280: 35598 - 35605
Urquiza M.; Guevara T.; Espejo F.; Bravo MM.; Rivera Z.; Patarroyo ME.:
Two L1-peptides are excellent tools for serological detection of HPV-associated cervical carcinoma lesions. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005 Jun 24;332(1):224-32.
Lopez R.; Urquiza M.; Patino H.; Suarez J.; Reyes C.; Patarroyo MA.; Patarroyo ME.:
A B-lymphocyte binding peptide from BNRF1 induced antibodies inhibiting EBV-invasion of B-lymphocytes. Biochimie. 2005 May 28; [Epub ahead of print]
Urquiza M.; Suarez J.; Lopez R.; Vega E.; Patino H.; Garcia J.; Patarroyo MA.; Guzman F.; Patarroyo ME.:
Identifying gp85-regions involved in Epstein-Barr virus binding to B-lymphocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2004 Jun 18;319(1):221-9.
Puentes A.; Garcia J.; Vera R.; Lopez R.; Suarez J.; Rodriguez L.; Curtidor H.; Ocampo M.; Tovar D.; Forero M.; Bermudez A.; Cortes J.; Urquiza M.; Patarroyo ME.:
Sporozoite and liver stage antigen Plasmodium falciparum peptides bind specifically to human hepatocytes. Vaccine. 2004 22(9-10):1150-6.
Espejo F.; Bermudez A.; Torres E.; Urquiza M.; Rodriguez R.; Lopez Y.; Patarroyo ME.:
Shortening and modifying the 1513 MSP-1 peptide's alpha-helical region induces protection against malaria. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2004 315(2):418-27.
Vera-Bravo R.; Ocampo M.; Urquiza M.; Garcia JE.; Rodriguez LE.; Puentes A.; Lopez R.; Curtidor H.; Suarez JE.; Torres E.; Guzman F.; Diaz D.; Cortes J.; Bravo MM.; Combita AL.; Orozco O.; Patarroyo ME.:
Human papillomavirus type 16 and 18 L1 protein peptide binding to VERO and HeLa cells inhibits their VLPs binding. Int J Cancer. 2003 107(3):416-24.
Valbuena JJ.; Vera R.; Garcia J.; Puentes A.; Curtidor H.; Ocampo M.; Urquiza M.; Rivera Z.; Guzman F.; Torres E.; Patarroyo ME.:
Plasmodium falciparum normocyte binding protein (PfNBP-1) peptides bind specifically to human erythrocytes. Peptides. 2003 24(7):1007-14.
Rodriguez LE.; Ocampo M.; Vera R.; Puentes A.; Lopez R.; Garcia J.; Curtidor H.; Valbuena J.; Suarez J.; Rosas J.; Rivera Z.; Urquiza M.; Patarroyo ME.:
Plasmodium falciparum EBA-140 kDa protein peptides that bind to human red blood cells. J Pept Res. 2003 62(4):175-184
Garcia JE.; Puentes A.; Lopez R.; Vera R.; Suarez J.; Rodriguez L.; Curtidor H.; Ocampo M.; Tovar D.; Forero M.; Bermudez A.; Cortes J.; Urquiza M.; Patarroyo ME.:
Peptides of the liver stage antigen-1 (LSA-1) of Plasmodium falciparum bind to human hepatocytes. Peptides. 2003 24(5):647-57.
Cifuentes G.; Patarroyo ME.; Urquiza M.; Ramirez LE.; Reyes C.; Rodriguez R. 2003.:
Distorting Malaria Peptide Backbone Structure to Enable Fitting into MHC Class II Molecules Renders Modified Peptides Immunogenic and Protective. J Med Chem. 46(11):2250-3.
Lopez R.; Garcia J.; Puentes A.; Curtidor H.; Ocampo M.; Vera R.; Rodriguez LE.; Suarez J.; Urquiza M.; Rodriguez AL.; Reyes CA.; Granados CG.; Patarroyo ME.:
Identification of specific Hep G2 cell binding regions in Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite-threonine-asparagine-rich protein (STARP). Vaccine. 2003 21(19-20):2404-2411.
Azuero-Holguin MM.; Leal-Fernandez MC.; Restrepo-Mejia LM.; Velandia-Daza G.; Guzman-Quimbayo F.; and Urquiza-Martinez M.:
Identification and quantification of vasoactive intestinal peptide in periradicular lesions. J Endod.; Sep 2003; 29(9): 557-8
Urquiza M.; Patarroyo MA.; Marin V.; Ocampo M.; Suarez J.; Lopez R.; Puentes A.; Curtidor H.; Garcia J.; Rodriuez LE.; Vera R.; Torres A.; Laverde M.; Robles AP.; Patarroyo ME 2002.:
Identification and polymorphism of Plasmodium vivax RBP-1 peptides which bind specifically to reticulocytes. Peptides. 23(12):2265-77
Garcia J.; Puentes A.; Suarez J.; Lopez R.; Vera R.; Rodriguez L E. .; Ocampo M.; Curtidor H.; Guzman F.; Urquiza M and Patarroyo M E. 2002:
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) E1 and E2 protein regions that specifically bind to HepG2 cells. J. Hepatol. 36(2):254-62.
Rodriguez L E..; Urquiza M.; Ocampo M.; Curtidor H.; Suarez J.; Garcia J.; Vera R.; Puentes A.; Lopez R.; Pinto M.; Rivera Z and Patarroyo M E.. 2002.:
Plasmodium vivax MSP-1 peptides have high specific binding activity to human reticulocytes. Vaccine 20 (9-10): 1331-1339.
Ocampo M.; Vera R.; Rodríguez L E.; Curtidor H.; Urquiza M.; Suarez J.; Puentes A.; Lopez R.; Trujillo M.; Torrez E.; and Patarroyo M E. 2002.:
Plasmodium vivax Duffy binding protein peptides specifically bind to reticulocytes. Peptides. 23 (1):13-22.
Espejo Fabiola.; Cubillos Marcia.; Salazar Luz Mary.; Guzman Fanny.; Urquiza Mauricio.; Ocampo Marisol.; Silva Yolanda.; Rodriguez Raul.; Lioy Eduardo and Patarroyo Manuel E. 2001.:
Structure.; immunogenicity and protectivity relationship for the 1585 malarial peptide and its substitution analogues. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl 40 (24): 4654-4657
Lopez R.; Curtidor H.; Urquiza M.; Garcia J.; Puentes A.; Suarez J.; Ocampo M.; Vera R.; Rodriguez L E..; Castillo F.; Cifuentes G and Patarroyo M E. 2001.:
Plasmodium falciparum: Binding studies of peptides derived from the sporozoite surface protein 2 to Hep G2 cells. Journal of Peptide Research 58 (4): 285-292.
Cantor E M..; Lombo T B.; Cepeda A.; Espinosa A M..; Barrero C A..; Guzmán F.; Gunturiz M L.; Urquiza M.; Ocampo M.; Patarroyo M E. and Patarroyo M A. 2001.:
Plasmodium vivax: functional analysis of a highly conserved PvRBP-1 protein region. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 117: 229-234.
Suarez J E..; Urquiza M.; Puentes A.; Garcia J E.; Curtidor H.; Ocampo M.; Lopez R.; Rodriguez L E.; Vera R.; Cubillos M.; Torres M H. and Patarroyo M E.:
Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite (CS) protein peptides specifically bind to HepG2 cells. Vaccine. 2001; 19(31): 4487-4495.
Curtidor H.; Urquiza M.; Lopez R.; Garcia J.; Puentes A.; Suarez J.; Ocampo M.; Vera R.; Rodriguez L E.; Pinzón M.; Ramirez L and Patarroyo M E.:
Plasmodium falciparum acid base repeat antigen (ABRA) peptides: Erythrocyte binding and biological activity. Vaccine 2001; 19(31): 4496-4504.
Urquiza M..; Suarez J. E..; Cardenas C..; Lopez R..; Puentes A..; Chavez F..; Calvo J. C..; Patarroyo M. E.:
Plasmodium falciparum AMA-1 erythrocyte binding peptides implicate AMA-1 as erythrocyte binding protein. Vaccine 2000; 19(4-5): 516-521
Puentes A..; Garcia J..; Vera R..; Lopez R..; Urquiza M..; Vanegas M..; Salazar L. M..; Patarroyo M. E..;:
Serine repeat antigen peptides which bind specifically to red blood cells. International Parasitology 2000; 49: 105-117
Suarez J. E..; Urquiza M..; Curtidor H..; Rodriguez L. E..; Ocampo M..; Torrez E..; Guzman F..; Patarroyo M. E.:
A GBP-130 derived peptide from Plasmodium falciparum binds to human erythrocytes and inhibits merozoite invasion in vitro Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz. 2000; 95 (4): 495-501
Lopez R..; Urquiza M..; Curtidor H..; Caminos J. E..; Mora H..; Puentes A..; Patarroyo M. E.:
Plasmodium falciparum: red blood cell binding studies of peptides derived from histidine rich KAHRP-1.; HRP-II and HRP-III. Acta Tropica 2000; 75: 349-359
Rodriguez L. E..; Urquiza M..; Ocampo M..; Suarez J. E..; Curtidor H..; Guzman F..; Vargas L. E..; Triviños M..; Rosas M. and Patarroyo M. E.:
Plasmodium falciparum EBA-175 kDa protein peptides which bind to human red blood cells. Parasitology 2000 120: 225-235
Ocampo M.; Urquiza M.; Guzman F.; Rodriguez LE.; Suarez J.; Curtidor H.; Rosas J.; Diaz M.; Patarroyo ME.:
Two MSA 2 peptides that bind to human red blood cells are relevant to Plasmodium falciparum merozoite invasion. J Pept Res. 2000 Mar;55(3):216-23
Vera Bravo R.; Marin V.; Garcia J.; Urquiza M.; Torres E.; Trujillo M.; Rosas J.; Patarroyo ME.:
Amino terminal peptides of the ring infected erythrocyte surface antigen of Plasmodium falciparum bind specifically to erythrocytes. Vaccine. 2000; 18(14):1289-93.
Urquiza Mauricio.; Rodriguez Luis E..; Suarez Jorge.; Guzmán Fanny.; Ocampo Marisol.; Curtidor Hernando.; Segura Cesar.; Trujillo Esperanza and Patarroyo Manuel E. 1996.:
Identification of Plasmodium falciparum MSP-1 peptides able to bind to human red blood cells. Parasite Immunology 18: 515-526.