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2008. The Effects of Coral Bleaching in Southern Tropical America: Brazil, Columbia, and Venezuela. Págs. 111-119 en: Wilkinson, C y D. Souter (Eds.). Status of Caribbean Coral Reefs after the Bleaching and Hurricanes of 2005. Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, and Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Townswille, 152 p.
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2008. Phylogenetic relationships among zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium) associated to excavating sponges (Cliona spp.) reveal an unexpected lineage in the Caribbean. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 49: 554-560.
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2008. Clionapirrolidine A, a metabolite from the encrusting and excavating sponge Cliona tenuis that kills coral tissue upon contact. Journal of Chemical Ecology 34 (12): 1565-1574.
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2008. Status of coral reefs and associated ecosystems in Southern Tropical America: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panamá and Venezuela. pp 281-294. En: Wilkinson, C. (Ed.). Status of coral reefs of the world: 2008. Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network and Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Townsville, Australia, 296 p.
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2010. Recent dynamics and condition of coral reefs in the Colombian Caribbean. Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol.) 58 (Suppl. 1): 107-131.
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2010. New fatty acids from Colombian Caribbean Sea sponges. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 38: 774¿783. ISSN 0305-1978
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2012. Parrotfish mediation in coral mortality and bioerosion by the encrusting excavating sponge Cliona tenuis. Marine Ecology 33(4): 417¿426. (ISSN 0173-9565)
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2012. Phylogenetic relationships among the Caribbean members of the Cliona viridis complex (Porifera, Demospongiae, Hadromerida) using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences. Mol. Phyl. Evol. 64(2): 271¿284. (ISSN 1055-7903)
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2014. Reef sponges of the genus Agelas (Porifera: Demospongiae) from the Greater Caribbean. Zootaxa 3794 (3): 301¿343 (ISSN 1175-5326).
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2014. Taxonomy of Clathria (Thalysias) (Demospongiae: Poecilosclerida: Microcionidae) from the Colombian Caribbean, with description of three new species. Zootaxa 3835 (4): 401-436 (ISSN 1175-5326).
Vicente, J.; Zea, S.; Powell, R.J.; Pawlik, J.R.; Hill, R.T:
2014. New epizooic symbiosis between sponges of the genera Plakortis and Xestospongia in cryptic habitats of the Caribbean. Marine Biology 161(12): 2803-2818. DOI 10.1007/s00227-014-2546-z. (ISSN 0025-3162).
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2016. Taxonomy of the Caribbean sponge Dragmacidon reticulatum (Ridley & Dendy, 1886) (Porifera, Demospongiae, Axinellida), with the description of a new species. Zootaxa 4114(4): 393¿408 (ISSN 1175-5326).
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2016. Occurrence of energetic extreme oceanic events in the Colombian Caribbean coasts and some approaches to assess their impact on ecosystems. Journal of Marine Systems 164: 85¿100. doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2016.08.007. (ISSN: 0924-7963
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2016. Cliona acephala (Porifera: Demospongiae: Clionaida) a new encrusting excavating reef sponge from the Colombian Caribbean belonging to the Cliona viridis species complex. Zootaxa 4178 (4): 583¿592, (ISSN 1175-5326).
Pineda-Munive, E.M.; García-Urueña, R. del P.; Zea, S:
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Marulanda-Gómez, L.; López-Victoria, M.; Zea, S:
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2019. Meio¿epifaunal wood colonization in the vicinity of methane seeps. Marine Ecology 2019;00:e12573.
Molina, S.L.; Forero, A.M.; Ayala, F.I. ; Puyana, M.; Zea, S; Castellanos, L; Muñoz, D; Arboleda, G; Sandoval-Hernández, A.G.; Ramos, F.A.:
2020. Metabolic profiling of the soft coral Erythropodium caribaeorum (Alcyonacea: Anthothelidae) from the Colombian Caribbean reveals different chemotypes. Marine Drugs 18 (1) 4: 1-18.
Daza-Guerra, C.A.; Osorno-Arango, A.M.; Gómez-Cubillos, M.C.; Zea, S.:
2020. Efecto de la herbivoría de Cittarium pica (Gastropoda: Tegulidae) y la estacionalidad climática en el ensamblaje algal del litoral rocoso de Bonito Gordo (Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona), Caribe colombiano. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 91, e913192: 1-16.