Escudo de la República de Colombia
Humberto Arboleda Granados
Tiempo completo
Proyectos asociados
  • producto:Polimorfismo RS2075650 del gen TOMM40 asociado a enfermedad de Alzheimer en población Colombiana; Differential Methylation in APOE (Chr19; Exon Four; from 44,909,188 to 44,909,373/hg38) and Increased Apolipoprotein E Plasma Levels in Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Página Inicial (*): 1 Página Final (*): 13 Idioma(*): Ingles Revista (*): International Journal of Molecular Sciences. ISSN de Revista: 1422-0067 (Electronic), Cartegena, Colombia, mayo 2014.
  • Study of 12 polymorphisms (SNPs) in Alzheimer's disease patients in Colombia.; Neurociensce 2012 annual meeting, New Orleans, Estados Unidos de América, octubre 2012.
  • Differential Methylation in APOE (Chr19; Exon Four; from 44,909,188 to 44,909,373/hg38) and Increased Apolipoprotein E Plasma Levels in Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Página Inicial (*): 1 Página Final (*): 13 Idioma(*): Ingles Revista (*): International Journal of Molecular Sciences. ISSN de Revista: 1422-0067 (Electronic); Differential Methylation in APOE (Chr19; Exon Four; from 44,909,188 to 44,909,373/hg38) and Increased Apolipoprotein E Plasma Levels in Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Página Inicial (*): 1 Página Final (*): 13 Idioma(*): Ingles Revista (*): International Journal of Molecular Sciences. ISSN de Revista: 1422-0067 (Electronic), Whashington, Estados Unidos de América, noviembre 2011.